
Posted on Thursday, June 20, 2013

While tinkering I erased myself from the blogger universe, oopps. I return as a boot camp drop out with tales  of 14 hour work days, a respiratory infection, shingles and snail quality workouts.  I have no idea what is wrong with me but I'm all out of sorts with a twist of schmee.

As you can see I've once again returned to my wicked ways of caffeine and taco bell... Kyle would be so disappointed, I lost all the weight I gained with Primal and my saggy old lady booty had returned...
Tuesday night I had a serious convo about selling my bike and gear, I woke up the next morning thinking WTF? I have ZERO motivation these days hopefully Kanye's new album "Yeezus"  will get me through today's swim workout.
I actually just finished whining to my boss who I think has begrudgingly agreed to give me Friday off? I should clarify but I think participating in Friday am OWS followed by a ceni ride w/ a recovery run is a perfectly acceptable excuse, it's better than fake calling in sick. Only 68 more days til Louisville I just need to get these workouts done so I can obsess about something else... for instance why is everything I'm wearing today from the boys department at Target?


Wah Wah Wednesday

Posted on Wednesday, May 29, 2013

I woke up all kinds of Wah Wah Wicked Whiny... mostly because I didn't feel like being poked at again today. It's officially official that my sun bunny days have come to collect in the form of Melanoma... So kids if you don't want a back full bandages and a body full of chemicals... SUNSCREEN. A lot of random stuff rattles around in my brain on a fairly consistent basis, while laying there being inspected and lectured about my obvious stupidity all I kept hearing was Baz Lurhman...

Sunscreen and Stretching... and the knee thing all very TRUE.

Anyhoo my legs were sore from yesterdays Primal abuse. Confess to your trainer that you went on a 72 hr boozin carb loading bender and expect to be punished.
100 Ball Squats
50 Rower
30 Pull Up
40 Side Slams
Run 400
25 8 Counts
50 KB Swings
30 Jump Rope
50 Thrusters
60 Plyo Lunges
75 Situps
Run 1200
and because I finished early, I got an extra
30 Knee To Elbows
25 Burpees
and 30 weird roll on my back with a medicine ball jump to my feet? I'm pretty sure that was for the entertainment value, I don't have that kind of coordination.
Today's plan was a long run but I was all schmee and knew that it would be an unfocused sufferfest and total waste so I did 90 on the trainer instead. Next week I'll probably join the group for speed workouts on the track... I'm a little distracted so group training will probably keep me honest.
I'm not suppose to swim but thanks to my persistent nagging/whining the Dr. gave her blessing with caveat of thoroughly disinfecting myself. I'm envisioning a prison shower with Lysol, however, I think she meant  antiseptic and water proof bandages. The weather is AWESOME and so are all the peeps at the Y and who doesn't love swimming?

Besides Baz stated that "The race is long" and I still have 9 weeks til Louisville.

Happy Living.


Who needs a sponsor?

Posted on Tuesday, May 28, 2013

 Holy Swag BATMAN! I went to the post and did I hit the MOTHER LOAD. Who needs a sponsor with an Iron Big Bro like Sam. That's Sam and his lovely wife Emi. I met Sam at my OPIC's house 6 years ago and we've been family ever since.
Sam is a  former pro and one of the most knowledgeable, generous, encouraging, AMAZING people I have ever had the privileged to call friend. Emi is currently ranked 56 out of the top 100 women pros and she is a absolute delight. They truly are the PERFECT couple and I was so  happy when they finally found each other.
It wasn't until I unpacked all the the goodies that I realized they had given me Emi's Kona gear. Transition Bag, Helmet, Race Belt and Bib it was all there... I can't think of an adjective for, humbled, undeserving, stunned. Needless to say I was all of those things.
Sam also threw in a Kona Bonk visor and a new pair of Clouds. For the last 3 seasons Sam always sends me new race kicks and a visor, he doesn't say it but I know he sends the shoes because I don't replace my running shoes ever...  the last pair of Newtons he sent lasted for three years or 2 marathons, 2 half marathons and a 70.3. I finally wore a hole in the forefoot. In return I usually send him snacks, coffee and PB.
I don't want this post to make seem materialistic because I'm really not. This post is more about the timing. Life recently handed me a small but still steaming pile of shiggity and last week I was considering F#@K it, F#@K Louisville, F#@K Florida the weight of it all just got so heavy.
 I don't know how they knew or how I'm going to repay them but that box was the glimmer of light I needed, a reminder that it's not all about me and I'm not alone.

In the words of a very wise Big Bro "Always Train with a Smile"

Happy Living



Posted on Friday, May 24, 2013

Guilty, I hit the snooze and missed Friday OWS. My batteries are officially drained and the holiday weekend is jammed packed with training, boating and fireworks... I know poor lil me. 

Here is my latest and favorite from http://ruthkazez.com/SwimWorkouts/SwimWorkout49.html
 Workout #49
 3000 yards

 2100 yards
Warm-upSwim Free
descend 5 sec per swim

Pull easy

on :15
on :15
on :15
all out

on :25
on :30
on :35
all out

 continuous (no rest)

 continuous (no rest)
 Swim-downFree hesitate before recovery



Happy Living


Can I get a WTF?

Posted on Thursday, May 23, 2013

Opened up the email today and was reminded that I promised a primal crawfish dip recipe on FB forever and a day ago... Sorry, about the time I think "I got this"... it becomes abundantly obvious that I don't. For the sake of brevity, if you don't ever want your name associated with the dreaded "C" word (the 6 letter one not the four letter one)
I highly recommend SUNSCREEN.

Enough of that SCHMEE...

Before we get to the eats look what I got in the mail.
A letter from S in Chi-Town, one of the nice ladies I met at the 70.3 in New Orleans. It was a completely unexpected Thank You and a reminder that the little things sometimes make the biggest difference. 

Alright let's talk foodie. I'm in my third week of primal and LOVE it,  This mornings 10 miler was a wee sluggish, but I'll take 10 of slow and steady over 0 any day. Besides the Romanian Lifts did a number on my hamstrings, I see some Yoga in my near future.
The biggest challenge with primal, snacks. I like to grab a nibble around lunch, and nibble is a NO-NO on the primal boot camp plan so I found a recipe in the Primal Blue Print Cookbook for Crab Dip, but I'm all MEH Crab, so pedestrian  However, my recent pilgrimages to New Orleans have rekindled childhood memories of Cajun cooking at Grams house and I'm now quite smitten with Crawfish.
                                                   Primal Crawfish Dip

     1/4 cup primal mayo
     1 tsp tomato paste
     2 TBS Cucumber diced
     2 TBS Bell Pepper diced
     1 tbsp chopped red onion or scallions
     1 tsp lime juice
     1 tsp horseradish
     Garlic GO FOR IT! 
     dash Tabasco *optional
                                                   1/2 lb boiled Crawfish Tails
                                                   Salt & Pepper to taste

Crawfish Tails can be bought pre-cooked. If you buy them raw the are easy and can be boiled just like shrimp. 
Dice the veggies. Mix mayo,tomato paste, lime juice, horseradish, garlic, salt and pepper.
Toss in the veggies and Crawfish Tails stir til all ingredients are combined and DONE! The dip will keep for up to two days in the fridge. I served mine with Nut Crackers, they are DELISH!  Another option is to minus the cucumber and bell pepper and serve with veggies stick and cucumber slices.

Happy Living! 



Guilt Free

Posted on Monday, May 13, 2013

I have officially survived my first week of Primal Blueprint! I feel comfortable stating that I am completely detoxed of all things sugary and processed. Long story short it was MISERABLE! I really miss Coke Zero, Taco Bell and Peanut Butter... Maybe after the 6 weeks I'll transition to a more 80/20 diet but for now I'm 100% on board, I trust my trainer and he says this will be well worth the extra efforts.

Wednesday I was bummed that my usual PB & Banana Flat Bagel are now forbidden so I decided to pull out one of my favorite kitchen gadgets and got creative... Magic Bullet Time!
I had no idea how much I would LOVE SMOOTHIES. I honestly don't think I will ever eat a bagel before leaving on a long workout again. By the way these are just as EASY to make for grown-ups and lil peeps alike!

I'm reading Scott Jureks new book and he is an advocate of the whole organic foods movement. Once you've had "real" organic meats, fruits and veggies you can taste the delish difference and will probably never buy anything else. Luckily, I have easy access to an array of organic locally grown foods so I decided instead of buying cheaper pre-made smoothies from the freezer section, I would make my own. All you need are some Ziploc sandwich bags and 1 freezer bag (to make it extra air tight). 

This is my FAV I call it...

Berry Delicious

1 Kale Leaf- without the stem
1 Hand full of Baby Spinach
2 Baby Carrots (chopped)
1/4c Canteloupe
2 Strawberries
1/4c seasonal berries (I mix blue & berries)
1/2c Coconut Water
                                                      3 TBS of Almond Milk (any flavor) or Whole Dairy Milk

I combined the fruit ingredients in several sandwich bags and put them in the freezer for easy access and back-ups. They should be good for about 2 weeks. My lil peeps have started making them before they go to swim practice.

Place the fruit, coconut water and milk in your blender. I used my magic bullet because the container you use to make the smoothie is also a cup and makes clean up non-existent. Blend until smooth and DRINK!

Green Lantern

1/2c Cup Baby Spinach
3 Baby Carrots
1 banana
1/3c Canteloupe
1 Kale Leaf- without the stem
1c Coconut Water

Same as above you can pre-make them and store in the freezer or blend them fresh, either way they are DELISH!

With 16 weeks til Louisville I decided that Kansas 70.3 doesn't really fit into the training plan so I'll pick up another half a little further out. Speaking of the lovely Ironman organization...


For the record TT starts are RIDICULOUS!
Transition Areas will close earlier
Start Times will be delayed for 60-90 minutes
Sighting will cause slower times
No Drafting
Stricter temperature guidelines leading to swim cancellations don't sound fun either.
I could go on and on... and I don't really think it's all about safety. I think it's numbers game allowing more entries increase profits and crowds the course... blah blah jumping off my soap box and into the Gulf, day to of glassy emerald waters.


run a mile in my shoes and...

Posted on Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Holy CRAP BAGS it's MAY!!!

Sometimes life just is... LIFE. I'm well read on the 50/50 forks in the road, chances taken, opportunities lost and other life altering idiocy. I'm also well versed on accepting consequential doom or blissful ignorance of Assh$%les...

*sigh, like I stated, run a mile in my shoes, you might be a little crazy too.

The last two weeks have been a whirlwind of wonky. Work, Lil Peeps, Work, Training and that pesky little thing called LIFE keeps kicking me in the arse. Since New Orleans my training has been BLAH, stress levels have been ridiculousness, eating crappy or not at all and to top it all off big time grouchy. While living on 4 hours of sleep, beef jerky and coke zero is possible, it's not highly recommended.  In my defense I'm launching a brand and wrote the entire editorial content for a quarterly publication... that means everyone has three months to find all the mistakes. YIPEE

So it wasn't until Sunday I heard... "Who the F$%CK cares about anything that makes you miserable"... in that moment I realized that my obsessive over achieving was actually hindering quality of life. In my quest to constantly push the limits in all aspects of my life I forgot to remember that all I really want is to live a simple happy healthy life.

That same day I met up with Peter for his last OWS prior to his first 70.3 race this weekend. I met Peter two weeks ago at the Sunday OWS, it was his first ocean swim. Peter is 52 and a very accomplished marathoner... When I inquired about his transition into Iron distance he told me he wanted to learn how to swim. So while here on holiday he signed up for Fl. 70.3 and Ironman UK... he also added with a rather devilish grin that he will be riding the steel frame roadie he keeps here in his vacation home at this weekend 70.3. See, I'm not alone in the crazy boat...

Peter also says some very wise things...
"I like to push myself, I don't need others to do that for me"
"Sometimes I ride at 19MPH and other times I ride 11MPH both are just fine"
"I'll finish Ironman UK and will probably never do anyother one, after you've done one you really don't have anything to prove"
"I don't care, if I don't like the water on race day, I can find something else to do"

He shared some Soreen and recommended the book "Cant's Swim,Can't Ride,Can't Bike: from Common Man to Ironman" by Andy Holgate it's a great book. You can also read about Andy and his new book in this months edition of 220 Triathlon Magazine.

Or you can like me on FACEBOOK for you chance to win a copy! Once the fog of "schmee" started to lift,  I decided to give myself an early Mom's Day prezzie,  six weeks of Primal Blueprint Training Camp.

Generally I steer clear of group training... With the exception of Open Water Swims. However, I decided that a better diet and strength training regiment might help me feel better and solve the "skinny fat" dilemma... Besides, 40 is around the corner and who doesn't need a little bone density boost.
I've been training with Kyle at his gym 360 Fitness with the Mud Run Group and decided that I trust him enough to go all in...

Yesterday was the beginning!
-126 lbs
                                                 -108 lean mm
                                                   I've got some (ALOT) of work to do. It's not always fun being weighed, taped and pinched but if you have the opportunity I highly recommend it.  It's a great way to establish realistic goals, and identify weakness.

On the way home I started thinking meals and strategies for healthy snacks and the ever important back up meals... Which is when I realized how much processed nasty I let my kids eat... Justifying it with "they're kids." What was I thinking? I'm responsible for their future eating habits. It's just as easy for kids to become over weight and unhealthy on the traditional "SAD" plan. When I got home I emptied the fridge and pantry... To my surprise I didn't hear any complaining. I did quickly run out of watermelon and purple grapes.

 Sunday I made Surf & Turf Fajitas for Cinco de Mayo. Which made the most delish post work out brekky EVER!